Unity is a global, inclusive, spiritual community.
We offer practical, uplifting resources to help people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles to their lives.
Welcome to Unity of Monterey Bay!
At Unity of Monterey Bay, we support one another in remembering the Truth of our Being - each of us being an individualized expression of God - in spite of any appearances to the contrary. Together, we co-create a collective consciousness that invites ALL who are seeking to know and live this Truth to find a home in Unity;
and to affirm together, in deep gratitude:
Thank You, God, for this most AMAZING DAY...
Miracle follows Miracle and Wonders Never Cease!

What is Unity?
"There is only One Presence and One Power in the Universe, God the Good - expressing as Infinite God beyond us (arms spread wide), Intimate God beside us (Namaste position: hands in front), Inner God being us (hands over heart)...Divine LOVE in Action (hands clasped together)."
Unity of Monterey Bay's Current Statement of Faith
“Unity is part of the mystical, New Thought movement, which began in the late 19th century; we share a Christian heritage – with Jesus as our Master Teacher – but we focus on the teachings OF Jesus – rather than the religion that has grown up ABOUT him. As our name, UNITY, suggests – we are inclusive – meaning we honor other religious and spiritual traditions and Master Teachers, believing ultimately that all paths, grounded in love, lead to God.” Rev. Vicky Elder
Our Vision: Just imagine a world powerfully transformed by advancing the global movement of spiritual awakening and transformation through Unity.
Winter 2025 Affirmation:
“I embrace this winter time of darkness and rest, knowing the light will soon return and both the Earth, and I, will be transformed!”

Our Senior Minister
Vicky Elder (she, her, hers)
Rev Vicky Elder (she, her) has served as our Minister since 1998, first as co-minister with her late husband, Rory, and since his passing in 2007, as the Senior Minister. Her passions include creating a safe space for all people to explore their spiritual nature, become biblically and spiritually literate, and discover their own Path to the Sacred; and social justice--which she actively pursues through UMB's involvement with COPA (Citizens Organizing for Relational Power in Action - an IAF affiliate).
Vicky also serves as the West Central Region of Unity Worldwide Ministries (UWM) Regional Representative to the UWM Standards Committee.
In addition to ministry, Vicky's passion is her family (especially her grandchildren). She has two sons who grew up in Monterey and continue to make it their home; Travis and his wife Catherine and their daughter, Maddi; and Kyle with his wife, Justine, and their daughter, Rory Rose, and son, Lennon. Vicky's daughter, Brianna, lives in Cincinnati, OH, with her husband, Salvador, and their sons, Mateo and Joaquin. And of course, Vicky's rescue pup, Tohbi, lives with her in Castroville.
Prior to ministry, Vicky worked as a Program Manager for the CA Attorney General's Crime & Violence Prevention Center and as a counselor at the Unity Life Enrichment Center in Sacramento, CA. She has a BA (Political Science) and an MA (Public Policy) from San Francisco State University, an MA in Marriage and Family Counseling from the University of San Francisco, as well as her Divinity Training at Unity's Ministerial Program in Lee's Summit, MO.
Our Co-Minister
Michelle Vargas, MA Mdiv (she, her, hers)
Rev. Michelle Vargas (she, her) graduated from Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute with a Master of Divinity degree and was ordained at Unity Village in June 2019. Michelle has been a member of Unity of Monterey Bay since 1996 and joyfully served as a Prayer Chaplain and on the Leadership Council for many years. She now serves as Associate Minister and works very closely with Rev. Vicky. Some of Michelle’s passions include Bible interpretation, Jesus’ teachings, inclusive and intergenerational ministry, prayer/meditation, nature, and helping others to come to know God as Love.
Prior to ministry, Michelle received a Master of Arts in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and worked as an ESL instructor at Hartnell, Gavilan, and Monterey Peninsula Colleges. She has also worked as a family law paralegal and a medical transcriptionist. Michelle received her BA in Language Studies from UC Santa Cruz. While an undergraduate, she lived in Mexico for two years, where she studied at the Universidad de Guadalajara and taught ESL. She is fluent in Spanish and is passionate about Mexican history and culture. A few years ago, Michelle created a Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos celebration at UMB which has become part of our annual liturgical calendar.
In August 2021 Michelle celebrated 26 years of sobriety and she is excited and knowledgeable about how the teachings of Unity can complement a 12-step recovery program. Michelle’s greatest joy in life is raising her son, Alexander, who has special needs. She lives in Monterey with her husband, her son, their dog, and two cats.

Leadership Council (Board of Trustees)
Larry Sanks (he/him/his): Co-President (Grounds Manager)
MaryAnn Boylan (she/her/hers): Co-President (COPA Liaison)
Robin Falkenburg (she/her/hers): Treasurer (Veterans Liaison)
Walter Ryce (he/him/his): Member
John Ruiz (he/him/his): Member (Usher Coordinator w/Nancy Ruiz)
Kay Payan (she/her/hers): Member (Sacred Grounds Store Manager, Eblast)
Sue Rojcewicz (she/her/hers): Secretary, Trustee Emeritus (Chaplain Coordinator/Liaison, Music Team, COPA)
James Bogan (he/him/his): Trustee Emeritus
Martha Price (she/her/hers): Trustee Emeritus (Webmaster, Video Coordinator)
Vicky Elder (she/her/hers): Senior Minister
Michelle Jelinch (she/her/hers): Co-Minister
Denise Hedlind (she/her/hers): Music Director
Dori Bogan (she/her/hers): Administrative Team

What's Happening
Sunday Services at 10:00 AM

We look forward to everyone returning to in-person services (there’s nothing like physical hugs to boost our spirits and our immune systems); all services will continue to be in-person and live-streamed on our Unity Monterey FaceBook page at 10 AM (technology permitting). Additionally, after the close of the live-stream service, the video can be viewed at your convenience by visiting our Unity Monterey FaceBook page (click on “Videos” with the current date – any time after 11:15 AM) OR on our Unity of Monterey Bay YouTube channel (usually posted by 1 PM Sunday).
Covid Protocol (as of 9/28/23)
Our current COVID protocols align with the latest CA health department guidelines.
While quarantining (staying home after an exposure but before symptoms start) is no longer recommended as a strategy for controlling COVID-19. Isolating (staying home and away from others in your household if you have symptoms and/or you test positive) IS an effective strategy. The following link can help you calculate your personal isolation/masking protocols. https://caconnected.cdph.ca.gov/agent/?id=24
For more information, go to:
Thank you for your ongoing understanding and cooperation.
Spirit of Recovery Podcast with Rev. Michelle Jelinch
Tuesdays at 2 PM
Spirit of Recovery explores the ways that Unity teachings and 12-step recovery intertwine -and work together - to support our spiritual growth on our recovery journey. Each week Rev. Michelle and her co-host, Rev. Dan Beckett, share their experience, strength, and hope in a fun, casual format. You can listen live, and/or access all past archivesd shows at the link; or you can find Spirit of Recovery on the Mind Body Spirit.fm Podcast.

2025 Calendar
​Sundays at 10:00 AM- Virtual and In-Person church services on Facebook at Unity Monterey page & YouTube ​​​​​​​
Highway Cleanup: Saturday, March 15, 11:00 Meet at Burger King in Castroville.​​​​​​
Sunday, March 9 - April 13: Lenten Sermon Series & Class based on the book, Meeting Jesus at the Table, by Cynthia M. Cambell and Christine Coy Fohr. Class will follow the service ~11:30. Bring a lunch or snack. Through studying the gospel stories of Jesus at the table we will explore themes of Inclusion, Connection, Outreach/Service, Spiritual Hunger, Acceptance, Social Justice, Community, and Food Insecurity.
Saturday, March 15, 9:00-10:30: Soul Gardeners Women's Gathering. All women welcome!
March 23, 2:00 PM: Church of the Wild at Via Pariaso Park (Upper Picnic Area). Bring a folding chair.
Sunday, March 30: Building Fund Sunday. Support our Building Fund on this Sunday!​​​​​​​​
Friday, April 4: Spring Cook-Off & Talent Show, 6:30-9:30. The cook-off theme will again be appetizers! Sign ups are in the Sacred Grounds.
Friday, April 18: Veterans Stand Down Resource Fair - Need clothing donations and volunteers. 2620 1st Ave, Marina. See Robin for details.
June 27-29, 2025: Women's Retreat at Villa Maria Del Mar​​
Expand Your Spiritual Toolbox
If you’re looking for tools to support your spiritual journey, we have collected some of the most practical ways to nurture your divine spirit—whether you’re looking for an affirmation, a meditation, or simply silence.

We are looking for a Youth Church Aide to support Nicole - there is a modest monthly stipend available... If you know of someone who loves working with children, please encourage them to speak to Nicole, or Michelle, or Vicky. (Our policy is to have two adults present with the children at all times.) In the meantime, if you are willing to volunteer in times of need - please also let Michelle and/or Nicole know.
We are also needing to create a Sound Team - now that Kyle is soon off to boot camp. If you would be willing to serve one or two Sundays a month - and learn the set-up and management of the Sound Board - please speak with Vicky or Robin or Larry.
Other Opportunities to Serve
Youth Church - We are looking for respite volunteers to give Nicole an occasional break. Speak with Nicole or Michelle if you are interested or have questions.
Sound Team - We need a team to cover the sound board during the services. It's not too complicated - Robin will train. Multiple volunteers can make it a once-a-month commitment.
Sunday Ushers - If you are looking for a way to feel more connected and involved in our commUnity - sign up to usher once-a-month or be a substitute usher. See John and Nancy Ruiz with any questions.
Video Team - We could use another person on the video team to record the live streaming to Facebook, and then upload it to YouTube. See Martha.