I guess many of you have heard that I have been down with pneumonia for the past week. This was something I really was not expecting at all, and I was especially sad to have to miss the appetizer cook-off and talent show last Friday. That was hard, but I was just so incredibly tired I knew there was no way I could do it. However, I heard it was a huge success and you all had a lot of fun, and I want to hear all about the amazing talents that were demonstrated!
This past week I have rested more than I ever have before in my life. Except for short trips to the kitchen or living room, I have literally been in bed for seven days and sleeping 10-12 hours a day. As many of you know, when you’re sick you simply must do what your body needs to do to heal and there are no two ways about it! Perhaps there is a lesson in there about letting go….
I am on the mend, however, and I so look forward to being back with you on Easter Sunday! I think the weather is going to be good and I’m looking forward to our UMB choir performing some joyful songs that we’ve been practicing. And of course it’s always so much fun to see the kiddos scrambling around hunting for Easter eggs!
I think it’s safe to say that spring has finally sprung and I am 100 percent here for it! Spring is my favorite season and I just revel in seeing all the new life springing forth everywhere I look. That is what we will be celebrating this Sunday–the glorious life force that just can’t be held down by sickness or adversity or even death. That life force that is the love and energy of God just keeps renewing itself over and over, springing joyfully forth, and bringing with it so very many gifts for us to enjoy!
Happy spring and happy Easter and I look forward to seeing you both in person and remotely on this glorious Resurrection Sunday!
Many Blessings,
Rev. Michelle
