It has been a week full of wonder and grace at UMB!
I watched the video from Sunday’s church service and enjoyed the heart-felt sharings of John and Nancy Ruiz, Larry Sanks, and Walter Ryce. Robin did a lovely job of leading the service and I feel certain that all who attended were richly blessed. It is nice to know that in my and Vicky’s absence, our commUnity is willing and able to “hold down the fort” and create a meaningful Sunday experience for all.
At the women’s retreat on the beach in Santa Cruz, we also explored the theme of wonder and grace, including reflecting on how we can create more of such experiences in our lives. We were blessed by the participation of all the beautiful women who attended as well as by the incredible natural beauty of the location. I particularly enjoyed watching some egrets fishing in the waves and all the happy dogs running up and down the beach, as well as opening my windows at night to hear the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore.
Indeed, God’s goodness is all around us and moments of wonder and grace are always available to us if we only have eyes to see them. With the weather turning warmer, the days becoming longer and sunnier, and evidence of spring everywhere we look, it is not hard to see the awe-inspiring beauty of life that surrounds us.
We are so lucky to live in a place where nature is so accessible to us. I invite you, if you are able, to take even just a few moments this week to go outside, breathe in the spring air, feel the warmth of the sun on your face, and allow yourself to be touched by the wonder and grace of God’s beautiful Creation.
Rev. Michelle
