As we move through this second week of Advent, I hope you are able to find time in your busy holiday schedules to practice finding that place of peace within that we explored in this past Sunday’s lesson. I know it can be challenging to find an opportunity to pray and meditate, but remember that it doesn’t have to be any big deal. You don’t need a special place to sit or have to say any special words, although you can if you like.
All you have to do is stop what you are doing for even a few moments and bring your attention to that place of peace within. Take some deep breaths, bringing the breath deep into the belly so that the belly expands as you inhale, and then exhale slowly and fully, or you can sigh it out with an audible sigh of relief and release.
As you breathe, allow your exhale to be one or two seconds longer than your inhale. This signals your parasympathetic system to come online and begin to downregulate your nervous system so that you feel calmer and more peaceful. With each inhale, breath in that peace that surpasses all understanding. With each exhale, breath out all worries, stress, concerns, and fears. Release them and let them float away.
Even if you only repeat this simple sequence a handful of times, your body will respond. Each time you practice, you are strengthening the pathway back to this place of peace, making it easier and quicker to find the next time.
Remember, this peace has nothing to do with what is going on around you in the outer world. Don’t wait for things to calm down in your life in order to sit down to meditate. Just stop, right now, wherever you are and whatever you are doing, take that deep breath, and remember that true peace lies within you.
Remember Jesus’ words: I do not give to you as the world gives. This peace is not to be found in the material world, but within your own human heart, each time you set the intention to visit that place of peace within.
The shopping, the Christmas cards, the wrapping gifts….they will all still be there after you take a few moments to center.
May this simple practice so bless you this holiday season so that you may move through this time with greater awareness, acceptance, and peace, and so that you may be a blessing to all those around you.
Peaceful Blessings,
Rev. Michelle