This past Saturday, June 17, was my ordination anniversary, marking four years since that incredible day that changed my life forever.
It’s hard to describe the feeling of relief and accomplishment and excitement and amazement and humility I felt that day after three grueling years in seminary, challenging and stressful interviews, and a half-dozen trips back to Unity Village in Kansas City, Missouri. When I walked across that stage and they said my name with “Reverend” in front of it, all of that overwhelm hit me at once and I burst into tears. Then I continued walking toward Rev. Vicky who was standing at the edge of the stage, ready to present me with my Bible. We embraced, tearfully, locked arms, and I said to her, “We did it!!” It was a moment that solidified our bond because truly she had walked by my side throughout the whole process--encouraging me, supporting me, teaching me, and guiding me. I am so grateful.
The process of becoming a minister is absolutely one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life–attending seminary full-time while raising my son as a single mother, having all of my beliefs deconstructed and challenged, and making it through the vetting process to become ordained. But at the end of it all, what I had attained was what I feel is my true calling in this life, my vocation–to be a Unity minister and to be able to serve my Unity community to the best of my ability.
Many of you have heard the story of my journey into ministry, and I have to tell you, I was as surprised as anyone else to find myself on this path. At the same time, however, I think that somewhere deep, deep inside myself I had always known. And as I always say, the very best things in my life have been complete surprises to me–my amazing son, my calling to ministry, and my wonderful husband. It just goes to show that when I let go of controlling and planning my life and allow Spirit to work in and through me, the outcome is always a million times better than anything I could have ever dreamed up.
I have shared this journey with so many of you over the years, and each and every one of you has impacted me in some way. It has been an amazing journey of personal and spiritual growth, of great learning, and of getting to know more deeply myself and all of you. Thank you for allowing me the honor and privilege of serving you, and thank you for being my companion travelers on this journey!
Many Blessings,
Rev. Michelle
