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Rev. Michelle's Message October 10, 2024

Our UMB Autumnfest Banquet was a great success! Huge thank you to Kay Payan for beautifully decorating our new venue, Martha Price for coordinating the silent auction, MaryAnn Boylan and Sue Rojcewicz for doing the live auction, Martha, Tim, Kay, MaryAnn and Sue for set-up, Paco Vargas, Larry Sanks, and Malisha Wijesinghe for moving the tables, and James Bogan for the wine. Thank you also to everyone who donated auction items, helped with set up and clean up, as well as everyone who attended and purchased auction items!


Thank you also to Kyle Elder's "Local 831" catering team for providing us with a delicious dinner!


Not only did we eat some great food and enjoy visiting with one another and seeing each other all dresssed up, the banquet was also a hugely successful fundraiser for our church as we raised a total of $7,445! Since the fall banquet is our largest fundraiser of the year, this is wonderful news. Again, thank you to everyone who helped make it such a success!


I really missed the usual dancing portion of our event (my favorite part), but as I'm still recovering from my bout with pneumonia and bronchitis, it is probably just as well that I didn't overdo it with the Macarena! Please hold DJ Mike in prayer for a rapid and total recovery from Covid. He was extremely disappointed to have to miss the banquet.


Even though my trip to Guerneville was over a month ago, this Sunday I'd still like to share the lesson I had planned to give upon my return. I enjoy sharing my adventures with all of you, along with the insights and lessons I always learn from them. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday!


Harvest Blessings,

Rev. Michelle


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