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Rev. Vicky' Message August 1, 2024

Michelle’s inspiring 2-part lesson on the healing, transformative power of AWE reminded me of the “Good News” portion of our Sunday services that was paused during the COVID era, in the interests of streamlining the exclusively on-line services we transitioned into during the “distancing and isolating” orders.


(As I think back on that time period, it almost feels surreal…and I give thanks that our UMB community not only survived, but  continues to thrive and serve as a loving and positive presence for God’s Good in the world.)


I also noticed that these two lessons spanned a particularly challenging and transformative period in our human history. The first lesson helped me (us) experience the healing power of shifting our attention from fears and negativity to the miracles of life that are all around us. I literally felt the heavy weight of worldly worry lift off of me as we meditated on the moments of wonder and awe that are always blessing our lives…when we are paying attention.


And, while I’m not saying one thing caused the other, the synchronicity of our service ending with worldly news that dramatically changed our nation’s circumstances also wasn’t lost on me. Rather, it served as an important reminder that outer things can shift in a heartbeat, worry and despair are a waste of time and energy, and where we focus our attention creates our reality.


So, to keep that positive energy flowing, we will be adding a segment to our Sunday services called “Moments of Awe” – and inviting you all to share your AWE-SOME experiences so that we can continue to lift up and inspire one another to hold “a high watch” – which is essential to co-creating the change we want to see in the world.


We’re looking for 1-2 minute sharings…so let us (Michelle or me) know when you have an Awe-Moment to share, and we’ll schedule you in! 


Namasté, Rev. Vicky



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