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Rev. Vicky's Message December 16, 2021

Thank you to everyone who helped make the Adopt-a-Family Christmas Giving Project another huge success! We adopted 4 families – 25 people total – and helped give them a joyous Christmas – included grocery gift cards totaling over $1000!

Over 20 UMB folks participated in the effort – and a group of eight met at the church on Wednesday afternoon to wrap all the gifts and organize them to be delivered to CPY (Community Partnership for Youth) today.

Many noted “this is one of our favorite Christmas traditions,” and I echo that remark. It truly engenders the Christmas spirit – and I am so grateful for our generous Unity CommUnity who make this possible each year.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday for our Magical Mystical Christmas story – AND – Tuesday night for the Solstice Candlelighting Celebration.

Even with the Indoor Mask Mandate back in effect – we will safely and joyfully call in the light together this Christmas!

Namasté and Merry Christmas- Rev. Vicky



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