This past Sunday, at our Practice the Pause after-church discussion, we were confronted with the intensity of these times. As I honor our practice of “what happens in UMB groups – stays in UMB groups” – I will not mention any names. But I am going to share my personal experience (which is always okay for anyone to do), and what Michelle and I plan to do going forward.
As I noted, these are intense times, that are causing understandable feelings of fear, anger, frustration, helplessness, and more. So it is more important than ever, that we all strive to practice PAUSING before reacting. Pausing, as we’ve recently learned, helps us re-engage our higher brain so that we are better equipped to respond to even challenging situations with compassion and understanding.
Without going into great detail, there was some understandable, but unskillfully expressed anger during our discussion on Sunday – resulting in the “safe space” we are committed to maintaining in our community being threatened. The situation has since been resolved with some extensive discussion about appropriate and respectful communication practices within our spiritual community, as well as apologies expressed and accepted.
Going forward, Michelle and I will begin each of our gatherings sharing a set of written Agreements reminding us all of how we function within UMB, to insure we maintain a safe, compassionate and welcoming space for all.
I’m also sharing this because, beyond this learning opportunity for our intentionally loving and accepting community, similar situations are something that many of us may experience more often with friends, family members, and other groups we are involved in, due to the increased fear (and all of its expressions) that is sadly affecting our various communities and nation due to the rapid and unprecedented changes we are all being forced to experience.
Which, again, makes it even more important that we embrace and practice pausing before reacting…so that our higher/Christ selves can re-engage our most evolved brain capacities that help us grasp the bigger picture, activate our compassion and understanding, and consistently respond from a space of love (rather than react out of fear)…This will not only benefit our relationships, but also help us to evolve into and sustain increasingly higher consciousness that not only brings us inner peace, but helps us BE peace and love in the world.
I am feeling especially grateful for this beloved community during these very challenging times. We truly are all in this together, and together we will hold a high watch for God’s Good to express and manifest, in and through us individually and collectively.
Here’s a reminder of the prayer we shared last week:
I am a channel of God’s Love. Through Divine Love, justice prevails, and powerful and good results come forth. I trust the activity of God within myself, all people, and all situations. I give thanks for Divine Intelligence and Divine Grace operating and expressing fully in all people in our country, government, and world. Highest Good for all is the result!
We, as a group, are channels of God’s Love. Through Divine Love, justice prevails, and powerful, good results come forth. I trust the activity of God within myself, all people, and all situations. I give thanks for Divine Intelligence and Divine Grace operating and expressing fully in all people in our country, government, and world. Highest Good for all is the result!
And for those of you weren’t at church last week to get a copy of this very powerful prayer…I think you will find it most helpful…
A Prayer Before Reading the News (written by Rabbi Irwin Keller in early 2016) Elohai neshamah shenatata bi tehorah hi
My God, the soul you have placed in me is pure and vulnerable. I am afraid that looking at today’s news will be painful. Encircle me in a robe of light so that I can witness the wounds of the world without being wounded myself. Let me learn what I need to know in order to be of my greatest use, without being overwhelmed by despair. I feel your protective light now as I open myself to the world’s suffering and the world’s joy. Amen.
Blessings– Rev. Vicky |
