I continue to contemplate the future of Unity of Monterey Bay, seeking to more fully embody “the voice and heart through which heaven is made known on earth…” as we navigate the ever-changing landscape and challenges of our earthly sojourn.
I am practicing having ears to hear and eyes to see what we are being called to BE and DO – that is beyond our current understanding and/or awareness – knowing that we cannot resolve our current existential crises with the same consciousness that created them.
During this listening…I was blessed when this Unity meditation by Rev. Martha Smock resurfaced in my mind. I’ve posted it on my bathroom mirror, as a powerful reminder of my daily intention. I hope that it may serve you as well.
God’s Day, A Meditation by Martha Smock
GOD, what would You have me do today?
I open my mind to Your light;
I open my ears to Your voice.
I am ready and willing to follow You,
to do those things that You need me to do today.
GOD, where would You have me go today?
My feet are willing servants.
Show me the path, and I will follow it.
Make known Your ways, and I will follow them.
Make known Your ways, and I will follow You.
GOD, what would You have me say today?
I will make Your words my words.
I will speak the Truth that You reveal to me.
I will say the words and express the ideas that are from You.
Inspire my mind. Pour forth Your living ideas.
I will speak with Your voice; I will use Your words.
GOD, how would You have me act today?
I am a channel for You, dear God.
Act through me.
Make me a channel for Your love today.
Let Your power flow through me today.
Fill me with Your life, strength, and health today.
Renew me with Your Spirit today.
Amen & Amen
Rev. Vicky
