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Rev. Vicky's Message July 4, 2024

It’s truly hard to believe that UMB is celebrating our 24 Anniversary

of being a “stand alone” (vs. “outreach”) Unity Church. The past 26

years have been filled with so much love and joy and growth – even

in the midst of life’s challenges and transitions – I am overflowing

with gratitude for the beloved community we are co-creating with

love and intention.

This Sunday, as we celebrate the history of UMB, we will revisit the

power in our covenant with God and each other – give thanks for all

the ways our community steps up to sustain this spiritual community

that is dedicated to transforming lives – celebrate the multiple

anniversaries that help tell our story – and share in a joyous BBQ

party (pot-luck side dishes are up to you all!).

And, as we continue to work and live through the challenges of our

nation during these difficult tests and times – we will support one

another in being expressions of God’s transforming Love in the


I found this quote that inspired me – I hope it inspires you too:

"In our finest hours, the soul of the country manifests itself in an

inclination to open our arms, rather than to clench our fists."

– Jon Meacham, The Soul of America





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