Feeling blessed by Spring breaking into our days, I share this “psalm” by one of my favorite spiritual authors, Edward Hays (Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim). I hope it blesses you as well.
Psalm to Spring
Drawn upward by some hidden power,
life is cracking the crust of Earth
and bursting forth from limb and stem.
Your aroma, O Life-giver,
is upon the springtime wind,
and I feel it’s power
stirring deep within me.
Green is your color, O God,
the green of new life
that lovingly transfigures Earth’s dreariness,
long held prisoner
by the icy web of winter’s cold.
Green up my heart with hope,
in your perpetual promise of life.
Send forth from my soul
new shoots, fresh buds
eager to grow in your divine image.
May this year’s visit of virgin Spring
make my heart a virgin once again
intoxicated with wild love for you,
whom I discover in all things
and in everyone.
Rev. Vicky