I love the Holy-Day season! The decorations, the smells, the lights, and the spirit of gratitude and generosity that settles around us – reminding us of our true human potential.
And I love our Unity of Monterey Bay Holy-Day celebrations! I hope you will join us – as your presence is what makes them really special.
Our Thanksgiving Communion Service, this Sunday, always starts the season. And our understanding of communion – as a celebration of our commitment to building an inclusive beloved community – makes it inviting, available, and healing (especially for those who don’t relate to the traditional Christian interpretation). I miss our annual Pot Luck Thanksgiving Luncheon – but hope we can resume it next year, Covid-free!
The Magical Mystical Christmas Story, on Sunday, Dec 19 also metaphysically translates the traditional Christmas story into one that can live in and through each of us. We enter the magic of Christmas – by embracing the angels, the shepherds, the wise ones, the star, the Word, Mary and Joseph, and the Christ child – as reflections of our own Christ consciousness being re-awakened to remind us of who we truly are.
The Winter Solstice Interfaith Celebration of Light, this year on Tuesday, Dec 21, is my favorite, uniquely UMB special service, created by Dan Shafer, Rory and me in 2005. Understanding the importance of story for humanity to understand our place in creation…our intention was to create a NEW story of inclusivity and spiritual awakening for us to find and define ourselves within. It’s a story that honors the ancient sacred traditions – bringing the wisdom of the diverse paths together to enrich and inform our way forward. And then we always follow the powerful candle-lighting ritual with a sumptuous potluck dessert reception! Hope you can join us for this luminary-inviting adventure (and share your favorite holiday dessert).
Finally, we close out the year – and prepare for New Beginnings with our New Years Day Burning Bowl, on Saturday, January 1st. This meditative service is a very meaningful way to begin a New Year. Letting go of the old through forgiveness, new perspectives, and/or just surrendering into whatever is…helps us make room to grow into new understandings and a greater capacity for love and joy and peace.
Again, I hope to see you in person – or in consciousness, through our virtual streaming options at any or all of these spiritual celebrations – that help call forth the true meaning of the season.
Namasté - Rev. Vicky
