First, I want to share an addendum to my Sunday lesson. My daughter sent me these two quotes from their Sunday church bulletin (Clifton United Methodist Church) that are so appropriate to the practice of gratitude and thankfulness:
“In everything give thanks' It (the Bible) does not say, " 'for everything give thanks.' "Gratitude never calls us to give thanks for anything that is evil or unjust, never for violence, lying, oppression or suffering. Do not be grateful for these things. To know the mystery of life is to be grateful in all things. In all things, with all things, through all things.
“Every day there are reasons not to feel grateful. Terrible, distressing, painful and awful things happen all the time. Yet gratitude is a defiance of sorts, the defiance of kindness in the face of anger, of connection in the face of division, and of hope in the face of fear. Gratefulness does not acquiesce to evil––it resist evil.
––Grateful, by Diana Butler Bass
And now that Thanksgiving is coming to pass…Advent is upon us! This message is from the introduction to our 2024 Advent Booklet. The theme this year, is so appropriately, “Be Not Afraid.” We will be giving them out this Sunday, the first day of Advent.
(If you won’t be at church, and would like to pick one up, I have left a few copies in the downstairs mail box – near the door to our fellowship hall.)
“Advent is a time when we prepare for good news of great joy. But let’s not forget the shepherds initially felt terrified by their spiritual experience (Luke 2:8–20). First one angel then a host of them appeared, talking to the shepherds about a newborn baby and singing about peace on Earth. Who wouldn’t be a little startled?
“How do we handle fear even during the Christmas season, when we might suspect everyone else is feeling jolly? Whether the fear stems from conflict and divisiveness in the world, or a more personal event like a scary diagnosis, we can draw upon our spiritual nature to guide us through it. Like the shepherds who went to seek the Christ child, we can set aside or fear and focus on what we are called to do and be.
“At Christmas, we celebrate not only the birth of Jesus but our own divine identity. Our Unity advent booklets are intended to be your spiritual companion as you prepare for Christmas and contemplate the good news for 12 days beyond it. You will find articles about overcoming fear and daily messages to reassure and inspire you. We hope you will take time this season to reflect on what it means for the Christ to be born in you. Be not afraid.”
Blessings, Rev. Vicky
