As most of you know – my sister Karen and I have spent the last two weeks in Cincinnati with my daughter, Bri, my son-in-law, Salvador, and my grandsons, Mateo (14), and Joaquin (11).
In addition to precious time with my kids and grandkids, we got to experience the breath-taking fall colors – and another “Northside Halloween” – which is a community Halloween extravaganza like no other.
Leading up to the big event was a trip to the pumpkin patch (complete with hayride); costume making (Joaquin was Gandolf the White and Mateo was a Chess Knight); pumpkin carving and house decorating; Halloween cookie baking (my special frosted shortbread); the creation of the annual haunted house (on the top two floors of their home); chili and spaghetti prep; and set-up for some 30+ kids and their parents (ALL in costume) coming for a potluck dinner, a turn through the haunted house (many only made it to the second floor)… followed by 2+ hours of trick-or-treating… through the neighborhood of decorated homes…(kids AND adults) creating community together. Volunteers serving as crossing guards. Even the weather cooperated, waiting til 8:05 PM to start pouring rain.
It is always a heart/soul/mind/body expanding experience – to witness this healthy, intentional, diverse expression of community – IN PERSON… kids…teens…adults…seniors – caring…laughing… sharing…having fun together. I wish it were a more common experience throughout our country.
Nevertheless, I AM GRATEFUL for the experience, once again – and GRATEFUL that I also come home to commUnity with all of you (also a heart/soul/mind/body expanding experience). I am feeling quite blessed!
And then today (Wednesday), we flew home, went to pick up Tohbi at Casa de Amigos, stopped for some groceries – and Christmas songs were playing!
One more opportunity to practice mindfulness. Living each day – one day, one hour, one moment at a time – at our OWN pace… present, intentional, grateful, and blessed…
Namasté – Rev. Vicky
